Depuis la nuit suspendue des temps 

Christian Delécluse


Exhibition presented at Avatar’s studio during Mois Multi 2019.

At the heart of his practice, Christian Delécluse invents sensible machines that create perceptual paradoxes, questioning the public on the building mechanisms of perspective and their relation to the world. For this unprecedented work, the artist has imagined an aquatic, luminous, sound ecosystem inspired by the first time-measuring machines. Faced with this sound clepsydra, the spectator experiences suspended time: he contemplates series of levitating water drops. Under the apparently still water trickle, hanging cymbals create a sound composition that extends to each invisible dripping drop. The site specific installation disrupts perceptions. While the water seems frozen, the constant ringing of the cymbals occupies the studio space. The visual in contrast with the sound contradicts the immediate experience. The water, still yet trickling, faces the visitor with a situation that defies the laws of nature. A sensible incarnation of utopia challenges time and gravity.

An architecture and digital arts artist and researcher, Christian Delécluse lives and works in Paris. His process examines the impact of the digital revolution on architecture, visual arts, and live performances. He is a graduate from the Université du Québec à Montréal and the École Nationale des Ponts et Chaussées à Paris. His work has been featured in individual and collective exhibitions at Centre George Pompidou (Paris), at the Nuit Blanche de Paris, at the Mapping Festival (Geneva), at the Biennale internationale d’art numérique (Montréal) as well as at the Festival Bains Numériques (Enghien-les-Bains). He also designed architecture projects such as NOC.42, recipient of the 2016 Réinventer Paris contest as well as the transformation of the façade of the Centre de création contemporaine de Tours, presented in the French pavilion of the Biennale de Venise in 2007.

The Mois Multi is an event produced and organized by the Productions Recto-Verso in February each year. The festival’s program gathers innovative works in the field of multidisciplinary and electronic arts. The Mois Multi is intended as an expression of the conceptual and technological mutations that shake up the unexpected forms and practices of multidisciplinary art. Its uniqueness stems from its interactive shows, installations, immersive environments and works merging artistic languages, materials, techniques, forms and processes of all kinds.