
Thierry Guibert & Martin Tétreault


To mark the 40th anniversary of La Bande Vidéo, Avatar invites the public to a sound and audiovisual journey through the vinyl record.

For the occasion, Thierry Guibert (FR), visual artist and multimedia artist, and Martin Tétreault (QC), platinist, improviser, sound designer and visual artist, come together for an unprecedented multidimensional mixing performance. Fruit of a residency at Avatar last January, the experiments of the two artists allowed to select various processes of transformation of the disk and its components; the visual of the cover and its packaging, the vinyl material, the audio content, the label, the furrow. Chaosmose becomes a game where all the elements of the disc are explored, transformed, hybridized live by the duo, composing an unpredictable evolutionary performance.


Chaosmose performance

Studio d’Avatar (5th floor of Méduse)

September 8, 7 p.m.

Thierry Guibert et Martin Tétreault

Plastician registered in the field of multimedia arts, Thierry Guibert has been exploring for 15 years the digital image in all its forms; interactive, reactive, programmed, autonomous. His approach favors an art or objects are defined by computer programming and often generated by the computer. Martin Tétreault is a platinist, improviser, sound designer and visual artist known for his work of research and improvisation with record players of all kinds or its manufacture. He has participated in numerous festivals and events of music, performance, sound art and media art, in America, Europe, Oceania and Asia.