Avatar’s Haïkus

Alexandre Berthier


For its 30th anniversary and the launch of Méduse’s collection, Avatar launches Avatar’s Haikus, created by Alexandre Berthier in collaboration with the Circuit Beaumont movie theatre.

A haiku (俳句) is an extremely short poem that describes and celebrates the transience of things.

The idea of the haiku video comes from a desire to produce profiles of artists, in which they explain their techniques and aesthetic choices in a specific project. Based on a phrase from its conceptualization (the haiku), the artist is invited to describe in simple and condensed wording an example of how they found a solution to a technical challenge and how that influenced their aesthetic approach to the specific project.
Participating artists: Catherine Bélanger, Philippe Lessard-Drolet, and Miriane Rouillard

Haïku 1/3  – Philippe Lessard-Drolet

Haïku 2/3  – Catherine Bélanger


Haïku 3/3  – Miriane Rouillard

Launch event
Friday, May 19, 2023, 5pm to 7pm
Location: Quebec City, Circuit Beaumont (Méduse)

Alexandre Berthier

Since 2004, Alexandre Berthier’s artistic practice has evolved in three fields: visual arts, media arts and performing arts, mostly in collaboration with other artists. His main collaboration has been with artist Karl-Otto von Oertzen, under the duo Marswalkers, for over ten years. Their work has been presented at CIANT (Prague), The Public (Birmingham), Wimbledon School of Art (London), Rockport Center for Contemporary Art (USA), l’Œil de Poisson (Québec), TUPAC (Peru), 6ème manifestation internationale vidéo et art électronique de Montréal, Mois Multi 12, BANG (Chicoutimi), and Espace F (Matane), among others.

As a solo artist, Alexandre Berthier develops his personal practice of video, sound and photography. His work has been shown at the following festivals: Mois Multi (Quebec), Bains Numériques (Paris), Nouveau Cinéma (Montréal), Sounds like (Saskatoon).
At the same time, he creates video and audio works for various organizations: dance and theater companies, art centers. He regularly collaborates with the companies Théâtre Rude Ingénierie, Orchestre d’Hommes Orchestres and the dance company Code Universel. Over the past few years, he has developed a close collaboration with comic artist Christian Quesnel. He is regularly called upon to create live video for various events: Carrefour de théâtre, MNBAQ, Manif d’Art, Festival d’Été, OSQ, Mois Multi He has created sound for the Musée de la Civilisation in Quebec City, Rhizome and other artists.
He’s also a DJ, and has been for as long as music has enchanted him.

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