Fret Frette

Delphy Boudreau, Samah Saidi, Vincent Thériault, Hannah Lyssens, Anouk Kellner, Tinneke Van Ransbeeck, and their teachers Julie Faubert and Jeroen Vandesande.


In 2022-2023, three students from the École d’art de l’Université Laval and three students from RITCS in Flanders have been selected to take part in two intensive residencies in sound art.

One took place at Avatar (Québec) in the fall of 2022, the other at Q-O2, a Brussels-based laboratory for experimental music and sound art, in the spring of 2023. During these residencies, the students’ research, ideas, sensibilities and skills came together to develop a collective sound performance, which was presented at Q-O2 on May 7, 2023.
The digital publication FRET/FRETTE, launched on September 7, reflects their spirit of openness and experimentation throughout the creative process. The singularity of their respective languages – Dutch from Flanders and French from Quebec – was deployed through games of translation and linguistic invention, for which electronic interfaces (telephones, computers) proved fertile. Speech, in its relationship to writing, but also as a purely expressive force of sound, became malleable, transformable and profoundly playful.
This exceptional experience enabled all the student-artists to discover a new creative context and take part in their first international creative residency. The project is a bilateral exchange between higher education institutions (École d’art, Université Laval – Royal Institute for Theatre, Cinema & Sound – RITCS) and artist-run centers dedicated to sound creation (Avatar, Québec – Q-O2, Brussels).
The project was conceived and initiated by Julie Faubert (École d’art, Université Laval), who coordinated it with Julia Eckart (Q-O2), in collaboration with Avatar and RITCS.
A project funded by the Ministère de la Culture et des Communications du Québec (MCCQ) and the Flemish Government.
Participating artists:
Delphy Boudreau
Anouk Kellner
Hannah Lyssens
Samah Saïdi
Vincent Thériault
Tinneke Van Ransbeeck
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