Dans l’architecture
Mériol Lehmann, Chantal Neveu, Nicolas Tardy
Avatar receives in its studios, the writers Chantal Neveu and Nicolas Tardy and the sound artist Mériol Lehmann for the development of the project Dans l’architecture.
Written indistinctly in four hands, a first step took place online, before being completed in the presence of the two authors at a writing residency at the Maison de la poésie de Nantes – followed by a first reading at two Voices at Le Lieu Unique on October 18, 2017. If the two authors have a common interest in the issues of materiality and editing, this literary experience is an opportunity to cross the sensibilities, methods and styles of each. Through poetry in short and elliptical verses and a prose sculpted by an original punctuation, Dans l’architecture exposes a connection between spatial experiences, film or photography prégnance and studies on the contemporary challenges of architecture . In this textual architectonic immersion the question of how do we inhabit the world today is agitated. In Québec City, Dans l’architecture will explore public reading within an audio amplification device disseminated in the reading space. This discreet sound, this reality hardly increased, worked for the first time during a residency in the Avatar studio in Québec City with the sound artist Mériol Lehmann, exploited to reinforce the performative dimension – vocal, corporal, acoustic and architectonic – of reading.
Dans l’architecture is a Rhizome production. Co-produced by Avatar.
Outing of residency/performance | November 30, 7:30 pm at Avatar
Conceived jointly by Rhizome and its Belgian partner Transcultures, the Écritures project calls alternately, every two years, poetic and literary language in all its forms. The program of the fourth edition, which is held in Québec City, offers among other things three creative residencies on literature and sound, presentations of research work, a day of reflection, Sortir la littérature du livre par le numérique.